Mouthwatering Salsa Verde Recipe with a Twist

Greetings, culinary enthusiasts! Today, I am delighted to share with you a recipe that will take your taste buds on a wild ride of flavors. It’s none other than Guy Fieri’s salsa verde recipe! Known for his bold and dynamic flavor combinations, Guy Fieri’s salsa verde lives up to its name by providing a vibrant and tangy green experience. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed foodie, a casual cook or just someone who loves their taste buds tingled, this is the recipe you’ve been waiting for.

As a home chef who loves throwing parties, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen this particular salsa steal the show. It never fails to be the topic of conversations and often has people coming back for seconds or thirds. So what makes this recipe so special? Well, it’s a perfect balance of fresh herbs, tangy citrus juices and zesty spices that make it savory enough to satisfy all kinds of cravings.

Whether you’re seeking an alternative to traditional red salsas or are just looking for something new to try, Guy Fieri’s Salsa Verde is everything you need in your life right now. After all, foodies need a palate-changing challenge every once in a while. So buckle up and get ready to dive into this green mean machine!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Salsa Verde (Guy Fieri)
Salsa Verde (Guy Fieri)

Are you tired of the traditional red salsa and in search of something new to tantalize your taste buds? Then look no further than Salsa Verde! This vibrant green sauce is not only delicious, but it has an incomparable zest that sets it apart from other salsas.

As a foodie and chef enthusiast myself, I can attest that this recipe has everything you need for a great salsa: fresh ingredients like parsley, basil, and garlic, a zesty kick from red pepper flakes and lime juice, and an umami depth from anchovy paste and capers. The result is a tantalizing combination of flavors that will leave you craving more.

Salsa Verde is also versatile! It pairs fantastically with chips as a snack or appetizer, but it’s equally great as a sauce for proteins like chicken, pork, or fish. You can take your dish to the next level by adding a dollop of Salsa Verde on top of tacos or a hearty burrito. And don’t forget about it on breakfast dishes like eggs!

Lastly, this recipe is incredibly easy to make. All you need is a blender to concoct the perfect homemade Salsa Verde in no time at all. With just a few simple steps outlined in the recipe instructions below, you’ll have restaurant-quality salsa in the comfort of your own home.

In conclusion, whether you’re looking for an enticing new dip or have always been curious about Salsa Verde’s unique flavor profile, we guarantee that this recipe will deliver all that and more. So what are you waiting for? Give this recipe everything you’ve got and step up your salsa game with Salsa Verde!

Ingredient List

 Spice up your tacos, burritos, or any dish with a dollop of salsa verde.
Spice up your tacos, burritos, or any dish with a dollop of salsa verde.

Get ready to gather your ingredients! This salsa verde recipe by Guy Fieri requires some fresh and flavorful ingredients that work together to create a zesty and tangy salsa. Here are the required ingredients:


  • 16 oz of tomatillos
  • 2 fire-roasted poblano green peppers
  • 1/2 cup of chopped red bell peppers
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1 tsp anchovy paste
  • 1 tsp capers
  • 2 tsp of olive oil
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 cup of fresh parsley leaves
  • 1/4 cup of fresh basil leaves
  • Lime (for squeezing over the finished salsa)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste.

You can find most of these at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. Don’t forget to purchase the freshest and best quality produce for the salsa!

The Recipe How-To

 Impress your guests with homemade salsa that's better than store-bought!
Impress your guests with homemade salsa that’s better than store-bought!

Now, let’s get to the exciting part – making this delicious salsa verde recipe by none other than Guy Fieri himself. This recipe is perfect for those who love a tangy and savory flavor with a little bit of a kick.


  • 2 cups fresh parsley leaves, chopped
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. anchovy paste
  • 2 tbsp. capers
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1 roasted red bell pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • Juice from one lemon
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 cup olive oil


  1. Start by prepping your ingredients as above before you begin cooking.
  2. Add the chopped parsley and basil leaves to a bowl and mix in the minced garlic.
  3. Thinly slice the red bell pepper into small pieces and add this to the bowl.
  4. Add in the anchovy paste, capers, red pepper flakes, chopped onion and lemon juice.
  5. Slowly pour in the olive oil while continuing to stir.
  6. Season with salt according to your preference.

That’s it! You’ve now created a batch of Guy Fieri’s famous salsa verde that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance. Just make sure you store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

This recipe is incredibly versatile and can be paired with almost anything – from pork chili verde to chicken wings or served on tacos for added flavor. So be creative and enjoy!

Substitutions and Variations

Are you looking to mix things up with your salsa verde? No problemo! There are plenty of substitutions and variations that you can make to this recipe.

Firstly, if you’re not a fan of anchovy paste, or just don’t have any on hand, you can substitute it for Worcestershire sauce. It brings a similar depth of flavor without the fishy undertones.

If you prefer a milder salsa than what the poblano and red bell peppers provide, try swapping them out for jalapeños or Anaheim chiles. These chili peppers have less heat than poblanos and red bells, but still offer some spice.

For those who love a tangy kick to their salsa verde, consider adding a splash of balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar to the mix. This substitution will enhance the overall taste of the salsa.

Want a more herbaceous salsa verde? Add more parsley and basil to the recipe to taste. Fresh herbs can take this salsa from great to amazing by adding brightness, freshness and depth of flavor.

Finally, if you want a sweeter twist on your traditional green sauce, try including roasted tomatillos in your recipe. Tomatillos are slightly sweet and tangy, and add a unique flavor note that is sure to impress your guests.

In summary, when it comes to making variations or substitutions for Salsa Verde, there’s no holding back! Get creative and customize your dish according to what works best for you.

Serving and Pairing

Welcome to the serving and pairing section of this salsa verde recipe, where I’ll share some exciting ideas to serve and pair this zesty green sauce.

This guy fieri salsa verde is a versatile condiment that can complement any dish. It pairs exceptionally well with grilled meats such as pork chops, chicken, or beef. You can also use it as a dip for vegetables or chips or slather it over burgers and sandwiches.

Salsa verde is also an excellent condiment for Mexican dishes like tacos, fajitas, burritos, enchiladas, and quesadillas. It adds a fresh and tangy flavor to these dishes.

Looking for more inspirations? Why not use this salsa verde as a marinade for your next grilled dish? Let the meat sit in the marinade for at least two hours before cooking it. You’ll be surprised by how much flavor it brings to your dish.

Another great idea is to mix some salsa verde with guacamole. This combination is fantastic as a dip or a topping for tacos and nachos.

You can also use this salsa verde to dress salads. Mix it with some olive oil and lemon juice for a quick and easy salad dressing.

When it comes to pairing, try serving this salsa along with other bold flavors like grilled peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Other excellent options include queso fresco, feta cheese, or sour cream.

Overall, this salsa verde recipe is perfect for anyone who loves bold flavors and wants to add some extra zing to their meal. Give it a try today and see how versatile it can be!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

Once you whip up a batch of this scrumptious salsa verde, you’ll see that it’s so addictive that you want to have it all the time. Luckily, this green masterpiece tastes even better the next day, so you can definitely make it ahead of time without worrying about the quality. It’s ideal for those who like to plan ahead and minimize cooking work the day of the party.

To store the salsa verde correctly, transfer it to an airtight container and chill in the refrigerator for up to a week. Make sure to let it come to room temperature before serving again, as olive oil tends to solidify when stored in low temperatures.

If you find yourself with leftovers after your fiesta has ended, fear not; these green treasures can jazz up any dish or snack throughout the week. Whether you’re grilling meats or veggies, slathering them in some tasty salsa verde will make them even more flavorful and juicy. Or maybe mix it up with some French fries, grilled corn on the cob or even scrambled eggs – literally everything gets better with salsa!

For reheating, microwave on high heat for a few seconds or put in a bowl over simmering water until warmed through. However, note that excessive heating can affect the texture and reduce the flavors of your beloved salsa. If your guests couldn’t consume all of it during your party, you can always keep a small batch aside from sharing and use them for the next day’s left-over feast. Keep in mind, however, that if you are intending to keep some ahead of time, double-check its quality before using as leftover warm-up ingredients.

Now go ahead, and don’t let anything stop you from having great salsa at hand anytime!

Tips for Perfect Results

To ensure you make the best salsa verde, there are a few tips and tricks that you should keep in mind. Salsa verde is supposed to be zesty and tangy, but adding too much salt might ruin the taste. Therefore, it is important to add a tiny pinch of salt to balance the acidity in the sauce.

Another thing to keep in mind is that fresh ingredients always offer a better taste. When preparing your salsa verde, opt for fresh herbs such as parsley and basil instead of dried ones. Fresh herbs have more power than their dried counterparts, and they can elevate the flavors in your salsa verde.

It is also important to make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature when you start making your salsa. Cold temperatures can dull the flavors of fresh vegetables like garlic and onion, so take them out of the fridge a few minutes before starting.

One trick that I learned from Chef Guy Fieri himself is to roast the peppers before using them in our salsa recipe. Roasting your poblano or green peppers adds a smoky depth to your dish, making it more flavorful and savory.

While making your salsa verde, add ingredients in the right order. Start by making a paste out of anchovy paste, capers, garlic, red pepper flakes, and lemon juice before adding other ingredients.

Lastly, don’t overblend your ingredients when preparing your salsa verde. Overblending can result in a puree-like texture that doesn’t look appetizing. Instead, blend all of the ingredients together for just a few seconds so that the consistency remains slightly chunky.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to prepare great-tasting salsa verde each time!


As we delve into the FAQ section of this Salsa Verde recipe article, let’s answer some common questions that might be on your mind. From ingredient substitutions to serving suggestions, this section is designed to address any lingering doubts you might have about this popular salsa recipe. So, let’s dive right in!

Is salsa verde the same as tomatillo salsa?

In Mexico, there are two common types of green salsa: tomatillo salsa and avocado salsa. Despite their color, salsas are usually referred to by their main ingredient.

What is the difference between green salsa and salsa verde?

When it comes to salsas, the traditional (red) salsa and Mexican green salsa may seem similar, but they have some unique characteristics. One main difference is their color, with the former having a red hue, while the latter has a green tint. Another dissimilarity is the use of fruit, with traditional tomato salsa relying on red tomatoes, while salsa verde utilizes ripe tomatillos as its main ingredient.

What is verde salsa made of?

Making salsa verde from scratch is a breeze, requiring only a handful of ingredients such as tomatillos, onion, jalapeño, lime and cilantro. The first step in creating this delectable sauce is to prepare the tomatillos, which can be achieved through boiling, broiling or pan roasting them.

Is salsa verde the same as green taco sauce?

When it comes to green condiments for Mexican food, it’s important to differentiate between green taco sauce and salsa verde. Although salsa verde can be made using ingredients such as tomatillos, jalapeños, and cilantro, green taco sauce often includes green tomatoes in its recipe. Salsa verde is a versatile condiment that can be used as a dip for chips, a topping for tacos or burritos, or a flavorful sauce for roasted pork.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Salsa Verde recipe by Guy Fieri is a flavorful and versatile dish that will leave your taste buds dancing. With its unique blend of roasted poblanos, anchovy paste, capers, and fresh herbs, this salsa verde is perfect for spicing up any meal or snack. Plus, it’s easy to make and can be customized to fit anyone’s taste.

So, whether you’re making pork chili verde, slow cooker chicken wings, or just looking for a homemade salsa to enjoy with your chips, give this recipe a try. Not only will you impress your guests with your cooking skills, but you’ll also have a great salsa that can be made ahead of time and stored for future use.

Overall, Chef Guy Fieri has hit the mark with his Salsa Verde recipe that is a perfect balance of smoky, tangy, herbal and spicy flavors. You will not go wrong with this verde recipe that simply turns food into a fiesta! So why not make it today and elevate any dish from ordinary to extraordinary? Remember to use fresh ingredients for the best results!

Don’t miss out on this fantastic salsa verde recipe from Guy Fieri – Give it a try today!

Salsa Verde (Guy Fieri)

Salsa Verde (Guy Fieri) Recipe

This is excellent! I just saw Guy make this, very quick and very fresh! He serves it with his Brick Chicken. Don't leave out the anchovy paste, it really adds to the dish. Guy just used 1 piece of a roasted red pepper from the har, he did not chop it up before adding it to the food processor. From Food Network.
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 5 mins
Course Appetizer/Sauce
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 1 cup
Calories 701.5 kcal


  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaf
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 tablespoon garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon capers
  • 1 teaspoon anchovy paste
  • 2 tablespoons red bell peppers, roasted
  • 1 tablespoon onion, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • salt, to taste


  • In a food processor, puree all ingredients but oil and salt until smooth.
  • With machine running, slowly add oil until well combined.
  • Season with salt, to taste.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 200gCalories: 701.5kcalCarbohydrates: 10.9gProtein: 4.8gFat: 73.3gSaturated Fat: 10.2gCholesterol: 6.8mgSodium: 357.2mgFiber: 2.9gSugar: 2.4g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Easy, Low Protein
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