Delicious Shrimp Cocktail Recipe for Seafood Lovers

Listen up, food lovers! I have got a recipe that’s going to rock your taste buds. So, buckle up, brace yourselves and get ready to dive into a culinary delight that’s going to blow your mind away.

I’m talking about the “Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktails Recipe.” Trust me; it’s one of the best things you’ll ever put in your mouth. The flavors are bold, zesty, and briny – all at one go.

But what makes this recipe stand out apart from its delectable taste is the fact that it can be whipped up in under no time with ingredients that are readily available in any pantry. It’s the perfect appetizer for your dinner party or family gathering.

Try the Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktails Recipe today, and thank me later!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail
Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail

Are you a fan of seafood? Do you love the classic Mexican cocktail, Vuelve a la Vida? Then, you are in for a treat with this recipe. Let me tell you why you’ll love our Mexican San Juan de Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail Recipe.

Firstly, it’s packed with bold and vibrant flavors that will awaken your taste buds. The combination of tangy lime juice, savory catsup, and dry white wine-based cocktail sauce with just the right amount of heat from Tabasco sauce is the perfect balance of sweet and spice that will tantalize your senses.

Moreover, this dish is perfect for those warm sunny days when all you crave is something refreshing to quench your thirst. The succulent shrimp or oysters are paired with crunchy veggies like onion and green beans that add a satisfying texture to each bite. The fresh ingredients in this dish are a healthy and delicious way to get some lean protein.

Furthermore, this dish is incredibly easy to make. You don’t have to be an expert in the kitchen to whip up a batch of shrimp or oyster cocktails. It’s a quick recipe that won’t leave you slaving in the kitchen for hours on end but still leaves an impression on your guests.

In conclusion, trust me when I say that this Mexican shrimp or oyster cocktail recipe is one for the books. It has everything going for it: vibrant flavors, refreshing ingredients, and incredible ease of preparation. I guarantee that once you try it, it will be hard not to make it again and again!

Ingredient List

 Brighten up your party with this vibrant and flavorful Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp/Oyster Cocktail.
Brighten up your party with this vibrant and flavorful Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp/Oyster Cocktail.

Before starting to prepare this bomb-dot-com [bold important information phrase] Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail, gather all the ingredients you will need to make it full of flavors – and trust me, you’ll need the right ingredients.

Here’s what you’ll need for the Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail:

Main Ingredients:

  • 8 cooked, shelled shrimp
  • 8 raw oysters
  • 2 teaspoons lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1/8 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
  • Green bean (for garnish)

Veracruz Style Tomato Sauce:

  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 medium-sized onion, chopped in small pieces
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 tablespoon Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/8 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste

And that’s all you need! You should have no problem finding these ingredients from your local grocery store or a seafood market. Trust me, it’ll be worth every penny spent.

The Recipe How-To

 Treat your taste buds to a delicious blend of seafood, tomato juice, hot sauce, and spices.
Treat your taste buds to a delicious blend of seafood, tomato juice, hot sauce, and spices.

Now, let me take you through the steps of how to prepare my Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail recipe. I guarantee you will enjoy this flavorful and refreshing seafood cocktail.


  • 8 large shrimp, cooked and shelled
  • 8 raw oysters, shucked
  • 1/2 cup of catsup
  • 2 tbsp of lime juice
  • 1 tbsp of onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1/4 cup of dry white wine
  • 4 dashes of Tabasco sauce


  1. Clean the oysters carefully until their shells are perfectly clean.
  2. In a small mixing bowl, mix catsup and lime juice together, then whisk in onion, Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, dry white wine, and Tabasco sauce.
  3. Add shrimp and oysters into the mixture, stirring lightly to avoid damaging the delicate seafood.
  4. Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

That’s it! So simple yet so delicious!

If you’re a fan of bloody mary drinks or seafood cocktails in general, you’re definitely going to love this one. I recommend taking a shot of it alongside a cold glass filled with your favorite beverage. Trust me; it’s the perfect way to cool down during those hot summer days.

Enjoy your Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail!

Substitutions and Variations

 Enjoy this dish as a light and refreshing appetizer or a healthy and filling main course.
Enjoy this dish as a light and refreshing appetizer or a healthy and filling main course.

Hold on tight, folks! We’re about to take a wild ride through the land of substitutions and variations for the incredible San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail Recipe. This recipe is already pretty stunning, but with a little imagination and tinkering, we can create some mind-blowing combinations.

First up, let’s talk about the seafood. Shrimp is the anchor of this recipe, but if you’re not a fan, try substituting it with crab meat, lobster chunks or even cooked calamari. If you’re feeling adventurous, mix things up by using a combination of shrimp and oysters or clams. The world is your oyster (no pun intended), so feel free to get creative.

For those looking to cut back on alcohol, try substituting dry white wine with chicken or vegetable broth. It will still give you that rich flavor without the buzz. If you like it spicy, try adding more Tabasco sauce or swapping it out for green Tabasco sauce for a different kick.

For vegetarians out there, substitute shrimp with chopped-up green beans or even diced avocado if you want to add a creamy texture to your cocktail. In addition, if you want to make it vegan-friendly, replace the Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce with tamari sauce and use vegan-friendly cocktail sauce.

Finally, if you want to experiment with some bold flavors and different styles of cocktails from Mexico, try making coctel de camarones Veracruz-style by marinating raw shrimp in lime juice before cooking them. Or how about adding octopus in your shrimp cocktail Mexican style? And while we’re at it, why not swap out tomato juice for clamato juice and turn this cocktail into a classic Bloody Mary Shrimp?

The possibilities are endless folks! With just a few substitutes and variations to this incredible recipe, you can make it completely your own and dazzle your guests in ways they never saw coming. Let your taste buds run wild!

Serving and Pairing

 Impress your guests with the beautiful presentation of this cocktail. It's a real showstopper!
Impress your guests with the beautiful presentation of this cocktail. It’s a real showstopper!

The Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail recipe is a perfect dish to be served as an appetizer. This cocktail packs a punch of flavors that will get everyone’s taste buds racing. When it comes to pairing the dish, you can opt for either white wine or beer. A dry white wine would work wonders with this seafood cocktail, whereas a light beer could provide a match made in heaven for those who don’t fancy wine.

For those who love a little heat, I recommend serving this shrimp cocktail with Tabasco sauce to add an extra kick. The lime juice used in the recipe also provides a tangy flavor that’ll leave you wanting more.

To make your presentation pop, you could serve the cocktail in small glass bowls or cups and place them on top of crushed ice. This serves as both a stylish way to present your dish and a way to keep it chilled. You might also want to add some green beans or celery sticks on the side for garnish.

If you’re looking for a more substantial meal, this seafood cocktail can be served alongside other Mexican dishes, such as fajitas or tacos. The combination of Mexican flavors will make for one flavorful meal. For those who are feeling adventurous- try pairing it with octopus cocktail or shrimp ceviche.

Overall, this seafood cocktail dish is one of the best appetizers out there and can be paired with various drinks and dishes alike. It’s up to you to experiment and find that perfect match for your taste buds!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Fresh ingredients are the key to making this dish truly amazing. Look for high-quality shrimp or oysters at your local seafood market.
Fresh ingredients are the key to making this dish truly amazing. Look for high-quality shrimp or oysters at your local seafood market.

Listen up, folks. I know you’re not always able to whip up this Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail Recipe fresh before your guests arrive. Sometimes, you gotta plan ahead. Luckily, this recipe is just as delicious if made in advance.

First off, let me spill the beans on the make-ahead game plan. You can cook and shell the shrimp up to a day in advance. Yes, you heard right – a whole day! Keep ’em chilled tightly covered in the fridge until it’s time to build the cocktail.

But what about the oysters? Raw oysters don’t hold up as long as cooked shrimp do. For that reason, I’d suggest shucking them no earlier than morning of your event. Then keep them tightly covered with damp paper towels over ice in the fridge until ready to add to the recipe.

Now let’s chat about storing leftovers safely. Because nobody wants a lethal case of food poisoning on their hands.

In an ideal world, you’d eat all your seafood cocktails as soon as they’re creations are finished. But if leftovers are unavoidable, store them in a tightly-sealed container in the fridge for no more than two days. If possible, dish out sauce and seafood into different containers for storage and combine them only upon reheating.

Speaking of reheating- let’s not ruin these precious seafood beauties now.

When ready to serve leftovers, give everything a good stir and ladle out however much you’d like into separate individual serving glasses. Don’t heat them up in any way- lukewarm is perfectly acceptable here!

If made ahead correctly and stored carefully, you’ll still be enjoying fresh-tasting seafood cocktails long after the party has ended.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Not a fan of spicy food? No problem! Adjust the amount of hot sauce
Not a fan of spicy food? No problem! Adjust the amount of hot sauce

Listen up, folks! If you want to make the best San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail, then you need to follow these tips that I’m about to share with you. Trust me; I’ve made this cocktail numerous times, and I know how easy it is to ruin it without proper guidance.

First and foremost, always use fresh ingredients. A stale lime, a bad onion or old shrimp will affect the flavor profile of your cocktail. You wouldn’t want to ruin the entire dish because of something as simple as that.

Next, don’t overdo it with the Tabasco sauce. It’s tempting to add extra heat, but too much can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail. A few dashes are enough to give a little kick, but be careful not to go overboard.

When cooking the shrimp, make sure not to overcook them. Overcooked shrimp can have a rubbery texture and a bland taste. Cook them just until they turn pink and then immediately cool them down in ice water.

If you’re using oysters instead of shrimp, be very careful when shucking them. You don’t want any pieces of shell to end up in your cocktail.

For best results, always use Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. This sauce has a unique flavor profile that enhances the overall taste of the cocktail.

Lastly, never forget the lime juice! Lime juice adds a zesty and refreshing taste that completes the Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail experience.

Follow these tips, and I guarantee that you’ll be serving up the best San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail at your next party!

Bottom Line


In conclusion, if you’re looking to add an explosion of flavor to your next party, then the Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail recipe is the perfect choice for you. With its unique blend of spicy, citrusy, and tangy flavors, this dish is sure to impress your guests and have them begging for more.

Not only is this recipe delicious, but it’s also incredibly versatile. Whether you decide to use shrimp or oysters or even experiment with different variations and substitutions, you’ll always end up with a mouth-watering cocktail that pairs perfectly with a wide range of dishes.

So, what are you waiting for? Give this recipe a try and let yourself be transported to the sunny beaches of Mexico. With a little bit of spice and a whole lot of flavor, the Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail recipe is guaranteed to make your next party one for the books.

Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail

Mexican San Juan De Ulua Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail Recipe

(Coctel de Camorones u Ostiones, San Juan de Ulua)The author says, “In an effort to get a good mix, I sat at my favorite maestro’s booth by the old fort of San Juan de Ulua in Vera Cruz. I did a surreptitious time motion study of his sauce blending, and at the end of the two hours I had eaten four cocktails and had heisted the secret formula.”
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Mexican
Calories 317.9 kcal


  • 8 shrimp, cooked and shelled or 8 oysters, raw
  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped onion
  • 2 drops Tabasco sauce
  • 2 tablespoons dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup catsup (Some chefs use tomato juice, others use both)
  • 3 tablespoons shrimp juice (for the shrimp cocktail only)
  • sliced lime


  • Put the shrimp or oysters in a tall glass, Mix the 7 ingredients, cover with the sauce and serve salt and pepper with heaps of sliced lime. This is one portion.
  • George Celsius Booth The Food and Drink Of Mexico.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 407gCalories: 317.9kcalCarbohydrates: 31.8gProtein: 39gFat: 2.4gSaturated Fat: 0.6gCholesterol: 343.2mgSodium: 1765.3mgFiber: 0.4gSugar: 28g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Easy, Mexican
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