Smoky and Succulent: A Delicious Salmon Brine Recipe

Do you love throwing parties and impressing your guests with delicious food? If so, then you’ve come to the right place because today I’ll be sharing my recipe for Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking. This recipe is perfect for those who want to take their salmon game to the next level and make their own smoked salmon at home.

Smoking salmon has been a popular cooking technique for centuries, and for good reason. It adds a unique flavor and a touch of luxury to any meal. Plus, creating your own smoked salmon is even more satisfying than buying it from the store. Trust me, once you try this recipe, you’ll never go back to store-bought smoked salmon.

But why should you bother making your own smoked salmon when you can easily buy it from the store? Well, for starters, making your own allows you to control the ingredients and customize the flavors to your liking. Additionally, smoking your own salmon can be an impressive party trick that will impress your guests and make them think you’re a culinary genius.

So whether you’re an experienced cook or just starting out in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow and doesn’t require any fancy equipment or culinary skills. So let’s dive into this recipe and get ready to create some mouth-watering Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking
Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking

Are you looking for a dish that’s sure to impress your guests at your next party or gathering? Look no further than this savory salmon brine for smoking recipe. Not only is it a crowd-pleaser, but the rich and flavorful taste of the smoked salmon is unmatched.

The ingredient list boasts an enticing mix of spices, including mace, cinnamon, onion powder, and garlic powder. But what really takes this recipe to the next level is the addition of red and white wine, as well as dark brown sugar. These flavors meld together beautifully in the cold water and non-iodized salt brine that will leave you wanting seconds.

Whether you’re an experienced chef or new to smoking fish at home, this recipe will surely not disappoint. Not to mention, the options for substitutions and variations are endless – allowing for personal creative flair to come into play.

So fire up your electric smoker or grill and get ready to tantalize your taste buds with some of the best-smoked salmon you’ve ever had.

Ingredient List

 Get ready to take your smoked salmon to the next level with this recipe!
Get ready to take your smoked salmon to the next level with this recipe!

Here are the essential ingredients for this savory salmon brine that will make your smoked salmon recipe a standout dish.

Dry Brine Ingredients

  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp mace
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder

Wet Brine Ingredients

  • 3/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 3/8 cup kosher salt
  • 1/2 tbsp mace
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 quart cold water

Additional Ingredients

  • Salmon fillet (16 ounces or more)
  • Soy sauce (1/4 cup)
  • Red wine (1/2 cup)
  • White wine (1/2 cup)
  • Seasoning mix (lemon pepper)
  • Onion powder (1 tsp)
  • Honey or maple syrup for glazed salmon

The Recipe How-To

 Brine is the key ingredient here! Don't underestimate its power.
Brine is the key ingredient here! Don’t underestimate its power.

Prepping and Brining the Salmon

Before any smoking can occur, you’ll want to prepare your salmon by removing the pin bones and trimming off any excess fat with a sharp fillet knife. Once your salmon has been prepped, coat it in an even layer of brown sugar to provide a flavorful base for the brine.

Making the Brine

The brine is made up of equal parts kosher salt and brown sugar dissolved in cold water. A rule of thumb I follow is to use 1 cup of kosher salt and 1 cup of brown sugar per gallon (4 cups) of water. Once these dry ingredients are dissolved in cold water, flavorful additions like onion powder, garlic powder, and a variety of spices such as cinnamon and mace can be added to taste. The key here is to find a good balance between sweet and salty flavors.

Brining the Salmon

To ensure that every section of the salmon is infused with flavor, completely submerge the salmon fillet(s) in the brine solution. If necessary, weigh down the fillet so it doesn’t float to the surface. Cover your container with plastic wrap and allow it to refrigerate for at least 8-12 hours depending on your taste preference for salty or sweet flavors.

Once your salmon has finished soaking up the flavor’s its time to rinse each salmon fillet thoroughly with cool water and pat them dry with paper towels before smoking. The wet surface will allow smoke particles to stick evenly on every part of the salmon fillet giving you that signature smoked flavor profile.

Smoking Your Salmon

The possibilities for smoking are endless using either an electric smoker or a traditional backyard smoker with wood chips smoking method should take anywhere from three-and-a-half to four hours at 225°F . Flavorful wood chips such as alder, applewood, hickory, mesquite or oak can be used depending on your flavor preference.

Choosing Your Method

  • Hot Smoking: cooking smoked salmon within reasonable temperature
  • Cold Smoking: preserving smoked salmon over several days without actually cooking it through.

Final Touches

Once finished smoking, remove your prized catch from heat source immediately top it off with honey glaze while it’s still hot or serve it alongside some soy sauce as desired.


Substitutions and Variations

 I promise, this is not your average brine.
I promise, this is not your average brine.

This recipe is highly customisable, and you can tweak it to suit various dietary requirements and preferences. Here are some substitutions and variations you can make:

– Salt types: You can use non-iodized salt or kosher salt for the recipe. Avoid table salt as it contains iodine, which can affect the taste and texture of your smoked salmon.

– Sugar types: Brown sugar, white sugar or honey can all work in this recipe. Brown sugar gives a deeper taste profile while white sugar or honey impart a lighter sweetness.

– Herbs and Spices: Feel free to experiment with different spice blends to create unique smoky flavours. Some of my favourite herbs that pair well with the savoury salmon brine include mace, cinnamon, onion powder, garlic powder and lemon pepper seasoning mix.

– Liquid options: Instead of wine, you can try using apple cider or beer for a different flavour. Additionally, you may use soy sauce instead of red wine for additional umami flavour.

– Fish Variations: This recipe is perfect for smoking any Salmon species especially sockeye salmon fillets. You can also try other fish varieties like trout, tuna or sturgeon.

– Wet Brine vs Dry Brine: You can choose between wet brining (using a solution made typically of water, salt and sugar) or dry brining (using only salt and sugar).

By trying out these variations and substitutions, you can discover your own preferred version of this delicious smoked salmon recipe.

Serving and Pairing

 Give your salmon a flavor explosion with this savory brine.
Give your salmon a flavor explosion with this savory brine.

Once your savory smoked salmon is ready, it’s time to serve and enjoy! There are so many delicious ways to savor this tasty dish. One popular way is to serve it with a sprinkle of freshly squeezed lemon juice or lemon zest, which imparts a refreshing, zesty flavor.

Another favorite option is to pair the savory smoked salmon with some crackers or toasted baguette slices, along with some cream cheese or butter. The combination of salty and creamy flavors is simply irresistible!

If you’re feeling fancy, serve your smoked salmon on a platter accompanied by capers, thinly sliced red onions or shallots, and chopped fresh dill for an elegant touch. The tangy acidity from the capers and onions pairs perfectly with the smoky richness of the fish.

To take things up a notch, try pairing your smoked salmon with other dishes on your party menu. This dish goes particularly well with fresh green salads, roasted or grilled vegetables, or creamy risotto. And why not complement your savory smoked salmon with a chilled white wine? A crisp Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay would make the perfect pairing.

No matter how you choose to serve and pair your smoked salmon, one thing is for sure – this dish will surely impress your guests and have them coming back for more!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Say goodbye to store bought smoked salmon and hello to homemade perfection!
Say goodbye to store bought smoked salmon and hello to homemade perfection!

Once you have smoked your delicious salmon using this recipe, you may have leftovers or want to prepare ahead for a party. Here are some tips on how to store and reheat your smoked salmon.

If you plan to serve the smoked salmon within 2-3 days, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator. This will keep the fish fresh and moist. If you need to store it for a longer period, I recommend freezing it. Wrap the smoked salmon in freezer paper or aluminum foil, then place it in a freezer-safe container. It can be kept frozen for up to three months.

To reheat the smoked salmon, remove it from the refrigerator and let it sit for about 30 minutes to come to room temperature. You do not have to heat smoked salmon, but if you prefer it warm, there are several ways to do this. One approach is to unwrap the fish from its wrapping, and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in a preheated oven at 225°F (107°C) for about 15-20 minutes. Avoid overheating the fish as this will dry out the texture and spoil the taste.

Alternatively, try pan-searing the smoked salmon fillet on medium-high heat, skin side down for about one minute or until crispy then flatten out with a spatula and sear the flesh side until heated through (about another minute). This heats up your leftover fish while creating another interesting dish.

By reheating your smoked salmon properly, you can enjoy this delicious fish with little fuss after your party is over.

Tips for Perfect Results

 There's something about smoked salmon that screams luxury, and this brine will take it to new heights.
There’s something about smoked salmon that screams luxury, and this brine will take it to new heights.

The key to making the perfect smoked salmon is not just in the brine, but in the preparation and smoking process. Here are some tips to ensure you get the best flavor and texture out of your salmon:

1. Pat dry your salmon fillet before applying the dry brine

After you’ve removed your salmon from the wet brine, use paper towels to pat it dry. This will help the fish take on more smoke and heat during the cooking process, as well as help form a nice outer texture.

2. Don’t over-brine your fish

While brining helps infuse flavor and helps lock in moisture, too much of anything can be bad. A good general rule of thumb is to brine your fish for no more than 12 hours, depending on the thickness of your fillet.

3. Use hardwood pellets for smoking

When it comes to smoking salmon, hardwood pellets like hickory or maple will give you the best flavor. These types of pellets produce a milder and sweeter smoke that complements the fish rather than overpowering it.

4. Invest in a good smoker

A quality smoker is essential for making great smoked salmon. Whether you prefer an electric smoker or a charcoal grill, make sure it has tight seals to keep smoke inside and adjustable vents to regulate temperature.

5. Cook at low temperatures for longer periods of time

Smoked salmon requires low temperatures to cook properly, otherwise it risks drying out or getting tough. Aim to cook at temperatures between 160°F – 200°F for several hours until it reaches an internal temperature between 145°F-150°F.

6. Cold-smoke your fish for a different texture

If you’re looking for a different kind of smoked salmon, consider cold-smoking it instead of hot-smoking it. Cold-smoking involves smoking the fish at 80°F – 100°F for up to 24 hours which gives allows it to retain its moist texture while also being infused with smoky flavor.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to have amazing results when smoking your own salmon at home!


As we near the end of our savory salmon brine recipe guide, you may have some questions that we can help answer to ensure your success. Here are a few frequently asked questions (FAQ) with answers to common concerns about smoking salmon and preparing the brine.

Should I brine my salmon before smoking it?

To achieve a scrumptious and juicy smoked salmon, brining is a must. Brining helps the fish to absorb the necessary moisture and flavor. It is advisable to brine for a minimum of 3 hours up to a maximum of 8 hours before smoking. This time allows the brining solution to penetrate the salmon and enhance its taste.

How long should I brine salmon?

To prepare a flavorful salmon dish, start by adding salt, white sugar, brown sugar, a seasoning mix, lemon pepper, and black pepper in a mixing bowl. Next, add finely chopped onion, fresh lemons, oranges, lime, minced garlic, and some hot pepper sauce. Mix thoroughly until all the ingredients are fully incorporated.

Once your brine is ready, place your salmon fillets in a large ziplock bag, and pour the brine over them. Seal the bag tightly, ensuring that no air is trapped inside. Then, place the bag in the refrigerator, and let the salmon soak in the brine for a minimum of 12 hours, but ideally 36 hours. This will allow the salmon to absorb all the flavors of the brine and become more tender and flavorful.

What salt is best for salmon brine?

When getting ready to brine meat, it’s important to have the right ingredients on hand. One crucial ingredient to use when brining is salt. It’s the salt that draws water out of the meat and helps to break down its proteins. While kosher salt is ideal for this purpose, any kind of rock salt will work. Another important ingredient to use when brining is brown sugar. This ingredient is great because it not only helps to balance the salty flavor, but it also helps to keep the meat from becoming too dry during the brining process.

What Flavour is best for smoking salmon?

For the perfect smoky flavor to your salmon, we highly recommend using Alder BBQ wood pellets. They provide a delicious and clean taste that is a great match for the flaky texture of the fish. While Apple, Cherry, Pecan, or Maple can also give a sweet, smoky twist to your fillet, Alder remains the ideal choice.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this savory salmon brine recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves the rich and delicious taste of smoked salmon. It’s a simple yet flavorful dish that can be enjoyed at any time of the year and will impress your guests at your next party or family gathering. With its perfect balance of sweet and salty flavors, this smoked salmon recipe is sure to become a favorite in your household.

Whether you’re new to smoking salmon or an experienced smoker, this recipe is easy to follow and can be easily customized to suit your preferences. So, why not try something new and exciting in your kitchen today? Give this delicious smoked salmon recipe a try and prepare to be amazed at the results!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start smoking that savory salmon today!

Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking

Savory Salmon Brine for Smoking Recipe

Amazing recipe to marinate salmon prior to smoking. We've used this recipe the last 4 years with great success. Gives a tangy, flavorful bite to smoke fish strips. We cut the fish into 1-inch wide strips approx. 8-10 inches long and tie two together with thin twine. We then loop the tied strips over slats in our smokehouse for the drying time and smoking. We smoke slowly outdoors in our smokehouse using a combination of alders and apple chips. We use red cooking wine for our preferred flavor. Recipe taken from, Cookin' Your Catch, by Mark Elkins. This is an expensive marinade, but it will fill a five-gallon bucket and do approximately 10-12 huge fish. Prior to beginning, line a 5-gallon bucket with a clean, household garbage bag (33 gallon).
No ratings yet
Prep Time 2 hrs
Cook Time 3 d
Course Appetizer
Cuisine North American
Servings 10 fish
Calories 583.5 kcal


  • 10 large filleted salmon, cut into strips
  • 1 cup non-iodized salt
  • 2 gallons cold water
  • 2 lbs dark brown sugar
  • 16 ounces red wine or 16 ounces white wine
  • 1 (32 ounce) bottle teriyaki sauce
  • 6 ounces garlic powder
  • 6 ounces onion powder
  • 4 ounces pickling spices
  • 1 ounce cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 ounces italian seasoning
  • 1 ounce mace (optional)


  • Prepare fish, tie strips together, etc.
  • Combine all ingredients and let stand one hour.
  • Marinate fish in brine for 12-24 hours, stirring or agitating every 2 hours or so. Usually go for 24 hours.
  • Remove fish from brine and rinse brine off thoroughly in cold, running water.
  • Let fish air dry for at least 1 hour, until the flesh gets a "tacky" surface on it.
  • Place fish in smoker (do not use a barbecue). Distribute fish over racks evenly to make sure there is plenty of space between pieces.
  • Fill chip pan with a 50/50 mix of alder and apple chips. A pan of chips usually takes 1 hour to burn out. Replace chips as they burn out for the first 5 hours, then every 4-6 hours for the rest of the smoking time.
  • A salmon fillet will take between 8-24 hours to smoke depending on the size of the fillet and the desired amount of doneness. A 10-lb. salmon will yield 2 3.5-pound fillets that will take at least 12 hours to smoke for a soft texture. We smoke this salmon for a minimum of 24 hours to get a hard, smoked texture. (Depending on the weather, this could take 3-5 days.).

Your Own Notes


Serving: 10411gCalories: 583.5kcalCarbohydrates: 132.7gProtein: 10.2gFat: 0.4gSaturated Fat: 0.1gSodium: 7447.2mgFiber: 4.3gSugar: 109.8g
Keyword Savory
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